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Go ahead and buy that $6000 Chanel bag. Just make sure your purchase evaluation is sound

We each have very different net worth, earning income level and cash flow. Some of my friends earns  $20,000 per month, another earns $2,000. The common process that they should have is to be able to make fundamentally sound decisions. These decisions would be whether they need the thing they want to buy, whether they place a high priority of it in their life goal, whether buying it will create drastic instability in the family and their life and perhaps more.

I am not going to judge your purchase (well i try not to).

To both the ladies earning $2,000 and $20,000, they may want it since they first saw something like that at 14 years old.  If the $2,000 per month lady buys it, she is over-reaching financially. Not so for the person earning $20,000. 

The lady earning $20,000 probably worked hard at her job for that compensation. Are you going to deny her the stuff that she has been yearning since 14 years old just because you think its ridiculous by society standards to pay $6000 for a patched up leather job? 

Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft, in 2003 bought the Octopus at US$200 mil. At that time it is the largest yacht under construction. Is it a ridiculous purchase? He is worth 17 billion.  That is like 1.1% of his net worth.

To a person living in Cambodia, even spending SG$30 on a meal is ridiculous. I believe if you tell them what the average Singaporeans are spending, they would be in agreement that our life is that of the rich.

You can say that Paul Allen should use the money for philanthropy. He has given 1.8 billion in his own way. I doubt he is that bad of a person. Now are you going to deny him a $200 mil yacht, just because almost 99% of the people in the world cannot afford it, and by frugal personal finance rules, this is a ridiculous purchase.

To rare folks like me, a $6000 bag is ridiculous, a $1000 holiday is extravagant, a $30 meal is stupid. But that is my standard. I don’t believe there is a standard for such measure.  The important part is the individual evaluation process, based on your individual circumstances.  Make sure your decision making criteria are sound.


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BfGf Money Blog

Sunday 22nd of March 2015

"To rare folks like me, a $6000 bag is ridiculous, a $1000 holiday is extravagant, a $30 meal is stupid. But that is my standard. I don’t believe there is a standard for such measure. The important part is the individual evaluation process, based on your individual circumstances. Make sure your decision making criteria are sound."

Hahahaha! Kyith I like your honest, out-spoken style!

And I thought I was 'giam'. By my standards I think a $6000 bag is nonsense. I am totally against materialism.

BUT - a $1000 holiday can be eye-opening, life-changing, educational and full of experience. I dare say EVERY holiday which I had has enriched me. If not, I will just be a frog in a well.

A $30 meal, if it is good, is one of the fine pleasures in life....

Anyway, doesn't matter if you disagree with me. I have been recommending your blog to people.

"To many people, he may seem like he is bordering on extremities. To me, I see a disciplined investor who lives with strong convictions!"



Wednesday 25th of March 2015

Hi BfGf,

I think its a matter of perspective how much these things hold value to me. I actually see the utility of the 6k handbag more as a guy, at least i can tell folks i am rich enough to buy it and dumb enough to do it.

it is also said if you didn't experience it ever, you never knew it is missing in your life.

A look at LKY home tells you that much.

Joyce Leong

Saturday 21st of March 2015

My ex colleague posted on Facebook telling her hubby to buy her a Boy since she has given him a girl! Funniest thing ever with the attachment of the news that Chanel is cutting the prices of their handbags in SG.


Saturday 21st of March 2015

Hey Joyce, thanks for visiting! do you mean this? a nice bag and + 1 to the girl for innovative ransom.

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